Thursday 15 December 2011

"Do stuff you will enjoy thinking about and telling stories about..."

"Do stuff you will enjoy thinking about and telling stories about for many years to come.  Do stuff you will want to brag about" - Rachel Maddow (Political Commentator)

Why must we waste our lives with trivial things, and trivial thoughts.  We over think things.  "What will people say if I do this?" etc, etc.  How about this thought:  "Ten years from now, what will I say if I do this now?". That's the important one.  In the end, it doesn't matter what people think of you.  It matters what you think of you.  and the things you want to do, the things you will enjoy doing, those are the things you should do.

As for the stories and the bragging, etc., that is also good fun.  If I could, I would tell some stories a million times.  Even stories of things that embarass me, they were fun, and I enjoy telling the stories and hearing the laughter that it brings.

Life is too short.  Do what makes you happy.  Give yourself something that you can think of and smile.  Give yourself something to share with others.  Give yourself something to brag about.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle" - Ian Maclaren (Writer)

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle" - Ian Maclaren (Writer)

I have had people make my day with simply a smile, or a kind word.  It is the simplest way to be amazing.  And who doesn't want to be amazing? 

Plus, the world is getting shittier and shittier, being kind brings brightness into the world of shit.  Makes the world less shitty.

"If you're alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who's going to know?"

"If you're alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up.  Who's going to know?" - Julia Child (Chef)

10 second rule.  Blow off the dust, it's all good.  And that is all there is to say about that.

Sunday 4 December 2011

"Don't panic" - Douglas Adams (Writer)

"Don't panic" - Douglas Adams (Writer)

Very important.  A wise boy type man person once told me "What will happen will happen.  It may or may not last, either way, don't fear it.  Fear brings paranoia, and paranoia crushes dreams.".  Oh, will he be pleased if he ever discovers that he has been quoted in my blog.

"Do not wait for the Last Judgement. It takes place every day." - Albert Camus (Writer)

"Do not wait for the Last Judgement.  It takes place every day." - Albert Camus (Writer)

Oh so many perspectives to tackle this one from.  Let's start with the religious.  and just let me say that I am not a religious person.  At all.  Anyways...  If you ARE a religious person, you'll probably realize that God does not just judge you on the last judgement, but every single day of your life.  Every moment.  Live right, be righteous and whatever.

Now, from the non-religious viewpoint.  It's very similar really.  Live your life the right way.  Be you.  There is no other way to live.  Here's the questions though:  Who is judging you?  Everyone.  Every single person you see, interact with, talk to, walk by, everything.  But, their judgements don't really matter.  Only one judgement matters.  Your own.  Be who you want to be, and who you are proud to be.  You are your own ultimate judge.  Do not wait unti the end of your life to decide if you are living well.  Decide every single day. 

Live well.

Friday 2 December 2011

"Believe in Life" - W.E.B. Du Bois

"Believe in Life" - W.E.B. Du Bois

Really, what else can you believe in?  People will tell me you can believe in God and Buddah and blah blah blah.  Whatever!  Not belittleing anyone, but really all it comes down to is believing in life, just believing in a certain way.  What do I believe in?  Love. Which is a part of life, and you have to believe in life to hopefully one day experience love.  The problem comes in when I believe in love, but it seems other people don't.  What happens there?  Then I believe in love, and I believe in life, and I hope that I will be the one who changes someones lack of belief in love.  It's crazy, I know, but you have to.  You have to believe in life, because it is really all we have and all we know.

Now don't start with that Matrix shit on me.  Even if we are living in a matrix, we are still living.  Even if this is all a dream, still living in the dream.  So hush.  Enough.  Don't be skeptical, just go and live.  Believe in life, because it's all you've got.  You've got one life, and just one.  Live it.  Believe it.

Thursday 1 December 2011

"Never make a credit decision on a beach" - Victor J. Boschini

"Never make a credit decision on a beach" - Victor J. Boschini (College Administrator)

Thanks Vic.  I suppose this is sound advice, because the beach clouds judgement and whatever.  You know what I think?  If you are on the right beach, it is the happiest place on earth, not Disney Land.  Crazy to say that, I know.  Blasphemy and what not.  But really, what is better then peaceful waves?  The feel of soft sand between your toes?  A light breeze?  The sound of a bird softly chirping?  Nothing, that's what. 

If you want to go somewhere like this (minus the sand), go to Missinippi, Saskatchewan.  It is the most beautiful place to be, especially at 6 a.m. in the middle of May.  Take a friend, sit on the dock.  Laugh because you need to pee.  It is amazing, just do it.  Live a little.