Saturday 21 January 2012

"Spend the afternoon. You can't take it with you"

"Spend the afternoon.  You can't take it with you" - Annie Dillard (Writer)

In case you don't catch on, this is a metaphor of sorts.  You can not literally use the afternoon as money. 

Just, live your days.  Because once the day is over, it's gone.  You can't get it back.  You can't save time like money and use it later.  You either use it now or let is slip away.  Your choice.

"It depends..."

" "It depends" is almost always the right answer to any big question." - Linus Torvalds (Software Engineer)

It means you think.  Sweet right?  Thinking is very good.  I know there are some people that like to make all their decisions by the seat of their pants, but that's silly.  It may seem like when someone proposes that the answer is spur of the moment.  But it isnt.  People think about that for a long time in advance, maybe without even knowing.

And then there's things like moving, moving depends on a lot of things.  You just have to have the sense to think about them and not screw up your life.

Just don't overthink things.  There's a balance.

"The only dream worth having...."

"The only dream worth to live while you're alive and die only when you're dead" - Arundhati Roy (Activist/Writer)

Yes, dream big.  But live bigger.  Don't let your dreams get in the way of your life, and don't let your life get in the way of your dreams.  I have many dreams, and I won't give up on them because of other things in my life.  But I won't give up on my life just for them.

It's like having kids.  If you quit your dreams when you have kids, you probably wont be a very happy person.  I don't know personally, as I don't have kids.  But really, having dreams and pursuing them is a huge part of what life is really about.  Don't you think?

Thursday 15 December 2011

"Do stuff you will enjoy thinking about and telling stories about..."

"Do stuff you will enjoy thinking about and telling stories about for many years to come.  Do stuff you will want to brag about" - Rachel Maddow (Political Commentator)

Why must we waste our lives with trivial things, and trivial thoughts.  We over think things.  "What will people say if I do this?" etc, etc.  How about this thought:  "Ten years from now, what will I say if I do this now?". That's the important one.  In the end, it doesn't matter what people think of you.  It matters what you think of you.  and the things you want to do, the things you will enjoy doing, those are the things you should do.

As for the stories and the bragging, etc., that is also good fun.  If I could, I would tell some stories a million times.  Even stories of things that embarass me, they were fun, and I enjoy telling the stories and hearing the laughter that it brings.

Life is too short.  Do what makes you happy.  Give yourself something that you can think of and smile.  Give yourself something to share with others.  Give yourself something to brag about.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle" - Ian Maclaren (Writer)

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle" - Ian Maclaren (Writer)

I have had people make my day with simply a smile, or a kind word.  It is the simplest way to be amazing.  And who doesn't want to be amazing? 

Plus, the world is getting shittier and shittier, being kind brings brightness into the world of shit.  Makes the world less shitty.

"If you're alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who's going to know?"

"If you're alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up.  Who's going to know?" - Julia Child (Chef)

10 second rule.  Blow off the dust, it's all good.  And that is all there is to say about that.

Sunday 4 December 2011

"Don't panic" - Douglas Adams (Writer)

"Don't panic" - Douglas Adams (Writer)

Very important.  A wise boy type man person once told me "What will happen will happen.  It may or may not last, either way, don't fear it.  Fear brings paranoia, and paranoia crushes dreams.".  Oh, will he be pleased if he ever discovers that he has been quoted in my blog.